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Things have changed in Vienna over the years in terms of night life. Anyway, things change with time especially in major cities of the world. No wonder such a positive transformation in Vienna night life has taken place within such a short time. It is only a few years ago that ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ was the craziest spot to hang around at night in Vienna. Not any more. It has been swept aside by other spots that are really ‘hot’.

Any mention of modern nightlife in Vienna brings to the fore the Gurtel Club and other hotspots found in the inner sections of the city including Volksgarten and Passage. Nussdorfer Strasse is the best club to hang around on a Friday evening. These two clubs are dedicated to dance music mostly of a western feel to it. It is a good idea to check the program of other amazing clubs such as Flex which are a hot favorite among the middle-aged population.

It should be noted that Vienna is a rapidly ageing city. However, don’t be surprised to find that night life shows no signs of dying any time in the future. You will be surprised if you talk with a like-minded patron in one of these clubs. If he is a local resident and he is honest and is from Vienna, he is going to tell you that Vienna has more to offer than meets the eye when it comes to nightlife. Real action, they will tell you, is in the suburbs.

Most of Vienna music is often associated with old school opera performers such as Herr Morzart and Herr Strauss. This is not to say that the city is without real contemporary rave scenes. No. there are great episodes every night in almost every club when things get really ‘hot’ as young people swing their hips out under the influence of alcohol and dance music. Rambunctious rhymes are typical of several clubbing landscapes where teens hang around looking for late night fun.

People who love partying quietly prefer to go to Innere Stadt. This is the place where you might get a hint of what the golden days in Vienna before the First World War were like. Adolf Loos’s American Bar is more than a club. It is that quiet place fit for a romantic dinner with a loved one as you listen to mellow sounds of opera greats.